What a sad day. Today in Sacrament meeting I was released from my calling as the scout master. I have been in this calling since Alex was a deacon and as best as I can remember I think it has been about seven years. If you add that up with the other two times I've been in scouts I think it totals nearly fifteen years. I'm really going to miss it. Since I'd been told it was coming I went prepared. Sarah suggested that I make my boys a batch of cookies. In the end Sarah was a sweetheart and she whipped up a batch of "no-bake" cookies for them. What a wonderful child she is. I was scheduled to teach the lesson today so at least I got to sort of say good-bye.

It is funny but every single young man who is in the young mens program in our ward today was in scouts with me at one time. I even had Alex in scouts and now he will be going on a mission before long. I'm really going to miss those boys and I think they might miss me too. Other than that tho, this has been a pretty good weekend. Friday night Sarah had a party with some of her friends from church so I was home alone. I took the opportunity to go through some old mail that I've been procrastinating on and then watch a movie. Saturday was my chance to sleep in but instead I went over to the church at 7:00 AM and helped set up some chairs for a

womans function that they were having about gardening or something like that. I got home just in time to send Sarah over to the school to take a practice SAT test. It went from 9:00 until after 1:00. She came home briefly to grab something to eat and then headed back to the school to record the stats for the wrestling team. In her brief visit home she managed to let me know that the practice SAT was perhaps the most miserable experience of her young life. It was Math and before she could finish it switched to English and then before she could finish that it was back to math and then English and then math and so it went for four hours.

The poor girl. I just pointed out that if she thought that was bad wait until she does it for real. Meanwhile I was puttering around the house knocking items off of my to-do list. I know I've discussed this before but I do love crossing things off of the to-do list. Finally, around 5:00 Sarah came home and while I'm sure there were plenty of things for her to do she told me that she wanted to stay home with me and we could do something fun. We then whipped up some semi-healthy junk food and rented a movie off of the cable. By semi-healthy I mean things that won't bother her IBS too much. It's been acting up lately.

This morning as we were getting ready for church we got a call from Ben. As you may recall the super bowl was today. Ben & Sharley had been invited to some super bowl parties but they decided that they would rather come down here and watch it with us. How fun. I whipped up some sloppy joe's and in deference to Sarah we served them on whole wheat buns. Cameron also came to church with us so he came over after to watch the game as well. What a great game it was. Both teams played very well and made few mistakes. Both Ben and Lisa told me that I was rooting for the Saints. They gave me some very good reasons to.

1) Drew Breese used to play with the Chargers, 2) Reggie Bush is from San Diego and Ben has actually played against him in High School, 3) The Saints have never been to the super bowl before and 4) even though we don't hate Peyton Manning specifically, we just hate the Manning name in general. His Dad was a jerk and his brother was especially a jerk. Apparently he was drafted by the Chargers but he refused to play for us. Sounds like good enough reasons to me. On top of all that we just don't like the colts. I've learned that sports are much more fun if we are able to hate one of the teams.
Almost as much fun as the super bowl however was Sharley's camera.

If you read her
blog, she talked about it and if you noticed my comment, I suggested that she bring it down here for me to play with it. Guess what? She did. I sort of doubt she brought it
just for me but I like to think she did. It was fun to see them though and we did have a good time. Sharley even made a very delicious lemon cheesecake thing. Anyone who knows me knows that I love anything citrus. This cheesecake was good and the best part is that it is apparently easy to make. I think I'm going to try it next Sunday for dessert.