The weekend before the surprise party I flew out to Ben and
Sharley’s to help them get a working bathroom. He had been renovating their
master bathroom so it was in pieces and not really functional. In the midst of
that, he was in his bathroom one time and thought he heard water running in his
wall. He opened the wall and found a leaking pipe along with a whole lot of
mold. In one weekend Ben and I were able to tear out the old tub, install a new
one and tile the new tub. It was a tough weekend with a dozen trips to Home
Depot but we got it far enough along that he can finish it up without too much
Sunday I hitched a ride with Alycia and her kids back to San
Diego. It was great to have five and a half hours just to sit and visit. We
used to do that all the time when she was a teenager and I miss it.
Monday was a normal workday but when I woke up on Tuesday my
stomach felt a bit queasy. I didn’t think much of it and figured I would just
be careful what I ate and I would be back to my normal healthy self.
Around 9:30 I had to go to the bathroom. After just a few
minutes sitting there on the porcelain throne I could tell I was in trouble. I
was barely able to finish the job before I found myself kneeling before the
porcelain throne. After several violent dry heaves, (remember, I don’t eat
breakfasts any more) it was all over. I was no longer nauseous and I no longer
had the runs and I felt normal again, but now I was suddenly very tired. I came
downstairs and told Lisa that I was going to lay down for an hour before going
back to work.
I vaguely remember Lisa trying to wake me up, but that just
wasn’t going to happen. Four hours later I managed to drag myself off the couch
and got a few hours of work done that had to be done that day, but my mind was
quite foggy and I’m sure it was not my best work. Finally I laid back down and
Lisa woke me up at midnight to go to bed. I then slept until 8:00 the next
morning and it was all over.
As far as I know, when you get stomach issues and it is all
over within 24 hours it is almost always food poisoning and I was quite sure it
was the leftover steak I ate Monday for lunch. Trevor had barbecued me a delicious
rib eye steak and I took the left overs home with me. They sat in Alycia’s hot
car for 5 or 6 hours but there was no way I was going to throw it out. It was
delicious and I was willing to risk food poisoning.
I then learned that Ben and Sharley were also both throwing
up the same day I was. Their symptoms were almost identical to mine. They
certainly didn’t eat any of my delicious ribeye steak and I couldn’t think of
any other place where we could have all three picked up the same food poisoning
but who knows? That kind of stuff can be weird.

The sad part was that Alex, Lisa and Sarah all threw up on the airplane. That would make for a miserable trip.
Sam was really scared. He just got hired on by the Wyoming
Highway Patrol and he started training on Monday. He had to take a physical
test on Thursday and if he failed it he would have been sent home. No excuses.
I’m really glad he escaped, but he was also very diligent about not getting
kissy and cuddly with the kids.
The kids pretty much followed the same schedule as the
parents with only Freddie, Ella and Piper escaping the plague. I think Kira had
the best experience when Evan and Cameron both started puking simultaneously on
the plane. It is tough when one kid is puking but with two going at the same
time? Poor Kira.
Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he’s an egg