I feel bad, it's been more than two weeks since I've last posted a blog. I guess that is some indication of just how busy I've been. In addition i don't feel like I have a whole of interest to write about. Sure I could tell you all about the exciting things I'm doing at work but I'm not even allowed to talk about most of it because of non-disclosure agreements and such. Well at least this weekend was a fun weekend. Lisa has started this new business and her company had a convention (or something like that) this weekend up in Orange County. Since the hotel where we stayed is only a few minutes from Ben's house we offered to take him out of his birthday dinner which was just last week. Sadly Sharley was out of town and unable to come with us. What did work out nice was that Brandon was writing his ethics test and he was in the neighborhood so he came for dinner too. With Sarah there we had three of our six kids for dinner. That was cool but sad that there were no in-laws.
While we were at Lisa's convention we dropped Sarah off with Ben and they spent the day together. When Brandon finished his test he also joined them. When we finished in the late afternoon we picked them all up and we went to BJ's. I've never been to BJ's but Ben picked out a very delicious pizza. We had a good time. We actually got home at a decent time. We dropped Sarah off at a friends house where a bunch of them got together to watch movies. Lisa and I planned to getting some errands done but we sat on he couch and both fell asleep. When Sarah got home we made our way to bed and then darn near slept through church this morning. Crazy, I have no idea why we were so tired.
Scientist have discovered that the part of the brain that feels physical pain is the same part that feels emotional pain (rejection etc.) and amazingly it looks as if a couple of Tylenol can be very effective against a broken heart.
Wish I could have been there with you guys! :)
your trivia is VERY fascinating to me. So jealous that I wasn't there.
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