Saturday, January 21, 2012

Point Loma Tide Pools

Sadly Ben and Sharley left us Thursday morning to go back to work. Thursday was the day we rescheduled the tide pools for. One of the prettiest places in San Diego is Point Loma. It is the point of land that juts out and forms one side of the mouth of San Diego Bay. The point is quite high up and so you would figure it would be the perfect place for a light house. More than a century ago they built that light house and ran it for some time before they decided that during the fog (when you really want a light house) it was just too high up and people were running into the shore before they could actually see the light house hundreds of feet up above them. The current light house is actually a beacon that is down at the shore line but the old light house is still there and is a very cool attraction. 

Down on the water below the light house are some of the best tide pools you will ever see. Unfortunately for us, all during Christmas the low tide always occurred at night and during the day when we could actually see anything the tide was quite high. That didn't deter us however so we headed to the shore anyway. 

We went to the lighthouse first and it didn’t take us too long to look into the living quarters of the light house and then climb up into the tower, take a bunch of pictures and then head out. What was very cool however is that when we first got to the light house we could see a wall of fog out on the ocean heading toward the land. We literally watched the fog hit the point and spill over the ridge and down the other side. We went from perfectly clear weather to foggy within about fifteen minutes. 

Looking across the mouth of San Diego Bay to Coronado Island Naval Station.
Kira getting lost in the fog. Look at how clear the view is in the photo before Kira's and then look at the fog in the photo with Kira. That fog coming in was quite dramatic. Kira looks like she's walking in a cloud. Kind of like an angel don't you think?
And here is another angel with her head in the clouds
Justin and Landon
Sarah and Grandma
Evan and Trevor

Justin, Trevor and Landon

Me, Mom and Alycia
The fog engulfing the light house as it rolls in over the ridge

When we were all satisfied with the lighthouse we headed down the hill to the beach. The tide was in so we couldn’t see much but there were still lots of rock and pot holes and so we took off our shoes and searched out the crabs, anemone, barnacles and other wild life that we could find. 

At one point Sarah nearly gave me a heart attack. She came walking down this one rock and slipped on some moss and landed on her backside. She was right on the edge of a little drop which would have dropped her about four feet onto another ledge of rock. Four feet might not sound like much but if you landed on your head it would hurt. I tried to run over and catch her as best I could but she had caught herself by the time I got there so all I could do was comfort her and kiss her owey better. She really hurt her hand. 
Not long after Sarah's acrobatics Justin, Sarah and I were intently checking out a pool of water when a rogue wave about washed us off the rock. It was a rather chilling shock. It looks like Justin took the brunt of it.

Trevor trying to keep Alycia warm.

After we went home and warmed up we made a family trip to the temple. Thursday is my normal day to work at the temple so we picked that day for the family trip. I went in for my shift before everyone else but they all showed up later and I joined them in the cafeteria for dinner. After dinner everyone except Sarah attended an endowment session. Sarah isn't able to do a regular session at the temple but she can go and do baptisms so she did that while we did a session. I love it when we can all go together to the temple. 


Lynn said...

That picture of the temple is absolutely breathtaking. Hope to go there to that one someday.

Lisa said...

It was a great day! the boys did see what Evan called a sea 'enemy'(anemone)

Lisa said...

P.S. We really do live in a great place :)

Concrete Pool said...

We literally watched the fog hit the point and spill over the ridge and down the other side.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Concrete Pool