On Friday, January 17, Dixie and Mark arrived for their annual visit. I love that they have this conference every year and that they make the extra effort to come to San Diego for a visit.They arrived in the morning and we just sat and visited until Lisa got home from work. We then headed out to the Point Loma lighthouse.We checked out the visitors center adjacent to the parking lot and then the museum adjacent to the lighthouse, we climbed the stairs and took a look at the light and then we watched a beautiful sunset.When we were done at the lighthouse we headed on into Point Loma and had dinner at a restaurant in Fishmans Landing.On Saturday we headed down to check out Balboa Park. Lisa and I really wanted to see the newly renovated Botanical Gardens but we also checked out the organ pavillion and most of the country houses plus a couple of museums.
On Sunday they came to church with us and then headed up to Las Vegas right after an early dinner.
Worms frozen for 46,000 years in Siberian permafrost came back to life as the soil melted.