Several years ago when the kids were still small Halloween fell on a Sunday. To discourage the kids from going Trick or Treating on Sunday the church had a "Trunk or Treat" on the previous Saturday. All of the parents (and anyone else who wanted to participate) backed their cars into the stalls at the church parking lot and the kids went from car to car trick or treating. The primary had booths in the cultural hall where the kids could bob for apples and all that fun stuff as well.
Trunk or treat went over so well that we've had it ever since. In the years since I've noticed that fewer and fewer kids come to our door and more and more kids show up at the Trunk or Treat. I think a lot of the kids are inviting their friends and why not? You can hit the equivalent of dozens of house by walking around the parking lot and since you know everyone you don't have to worry so much either.
At first few people did much in the way of decorating their cars but over the years there have been some pretty well decorated cars. I decided that this year I should do something as well. I lined the back of our van with black fabric and set Lisa's nice marble table in the "cave" with a skull on it. I also hung a lantern with a candle in it. The light was so dim that I added a second candle next to the skull and a third one on the floor. For the candy dish I borrowed a Dutch oven and I kind of liked the results. Luckily science has come up with electric candles so I don't have to risk setting our van in flames to light up my cave.
I wanted to sit in the cave and hand out candy but I didn't know quite how I should dress up. I finally decided on letting my whiskers grow out (I needed a good week for that) and wear a white shirt and dark pants. I also wore an old hat. I didn't know what to call myself but some one said I looked like Indiana Jones so I'll go with that. It was so dark in the "cave" that many of the kids about wet their pants when they finally saw me in the darkness.
I think I like trunk or treat.
The number of stars that are visible with a telescope is ten times the number of grains of sand in all of the earths deserts.