Thursday, January 23, 2025
Sunday, Dec 29, was just a normal church day. Well, I guess it wasn’t normal for mom, she gave a talk. It was my month to conduct so I am the one who asked her to talk. She wasn’t exactly thrilled and as we got into the very busy time with the kids who were home, she was even less happy, but, she gave an amazing talk and had so many compliments on it that in the end I think she was glad she did it. It was even more special since two of her kids and several grandkids were there to hear her.
Monday was beach day. We went to the Del Maar beach because they have those beach chairs with big balloon tires for Evan. Most of us had a ton of fun. The weather was beautiful and winds were calm but the water was VERY cold.
The kids loved playing in the sand.
The adults loved the sun.
A few of the brave (or foolish) headed into the water.
Once we were numb, though, the temperature of the water could be ignored.
The waves were perfect for body boarding. A bunch of us braved the cold water and had a ton of fun in the waves.
Peter and Many joined up with us. Poor Alley has had stomach pains since she arrived in San Diego. At the beach the pains got so bad that she couldn’t ignore them anymore. She headed off to the VA hospital for some help. As it turned out, all they wanted to do was give her some pain killers. Ally forced them to do more testing, and finally, the doctor diagnosed her with some random unrelated problem. I don’t remember what.
In the end she had the test results sent to her VA office in Texas and then she joined us at home. The Texas office ended up giving her a call and told her that she had gall stones and she should never been released from the hospital. From here it gets very complicated because in the end the VA hospital in Texas hasn’t done anything either so I don’t really know what is going on.
On our way home we stopped at an ice cream place so we could be even colder than we already were. Once we got the kids settled in, the adults headed out for dinner at a very swanky restaurant. Other than missing Alley at the beach, it was a great day.
Piranha are actually timid fish. The chance of a human being killed by piranha's are infintisimally small.