Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Plague

The weekend before the surprise party I flew out to Ben and Sharley’s to help them get a working bathroom. He had been renovating their master bathroom so it was in pieces and not really functional. In the midst of that, he was in his bathroom one time and thought he heard water running in his wall. He opened the wall and found a leaking pipe along with a whole lot of mold. In one weekend Ben and I were able to tear out the old tub, install a new one and tile the new tub. It was a tough weekend with a dozen trips to Home Depot but we got it far enough along that he can finish it up without too much trouble.
Do you like how my name will now be under his tile for the next several decades?
Sunday I hitched a ride with Alycia and her kids back to San Diego. It was great to have five and a half hours just to sit and visit. We used to do that all the time when she was a teenager and I miss it.
Monday was a normal workday but when I woke up on Tuesday my stomach felt a bit queasy. I didn’t think much of it and figured I would just be careful what I ate and I would be back to my normal healthy self.
Around 9:30 I had to go to the bathroom. After just a few minutes sitting there on the porcelain throne I could tell I was in trouble. I was barely able to finish the job before I found myself kneeling before the porcelain throne. After several violent dry heaves, (remember, I don’t eat breakfasts any more) it was all over. I was no longer nauseous and I no longer had the runs and I felt normal again, but now I was suddenly very tired. I came downstairs and told Lisa that I was going to lay down for an hour before going back to work.
I vaguely remember Lisa trying to wake me up, but that just wasn’t going to happen. Four hours later I managed to drag myself off the couch and got a few hours of work done that had to be done that day, but my mind was quite foggy and I’m sure it was not my best work. Finally I laid back down and Lisa woke me up at midnight to go to bed. I then slept until 8:00 the next morning and it was all over.
As far as I know, when you get stomach issues and it is all over within 24 hours it is almost always food poisoning and I was quite sure it was the leftover steak I ate Monday for lunch. Trevor had barbecued me a delicious rib eye steak and I took the left overs home with me. They sat in Alycia’s hot car for 5 or 6 hours but there was no way I was going to throw it out. It was delicious and I was willing to risk food poisoning.
I then learned that Ben and Sharley were also both throwing up the same day I was. Their symptoms were almost identical to mine. They certainly didn’t eat any of my delicious ribeye steak and I couldn’t think of any other place where we could have all three picked up the same food poisoning but who knows? That kind of stuff can be weird.
If I had doubts about food poisoning before, I was pretty sure it wasn’t food poisoning when Lisa started throwing up on Wednesday. From there it went downhill fast. Alycia started throwing up on Friday and then Sunday was the big day. Sarah, Alex, Lisa (Alex’s girlfriend) and Kira all threw up on Sunday. They all went through the same process as I did, runs, barf, tired. Some had headaches and not everyone recovered as quickly as I did, but otherwise it was pretty much the same. In every case, once your stomach felt queasy you were barfing within the hour.

The sad part was that Alex, Lisa and Sarah all threw up on the airplane. That would make for a miserable trip.
Out of the twelve adults who were here, only Justin, Trevor and Sam escaped the plague.
Sam was really scared. He just got hired on by the Wyoming Highway Patrol and he started training on Monday. He had to take a physical test on Thursday and if he failed it he would have been sent home. No excuses. I’m really glad he escaped, but he was also very diligent about not getting kissy and cuddly with the kids.
The kids pretty much followed the same schedule as the parents with only Freddie, Ella and Piper escaping the plague. I think Kira had the best experience when Evan and Cameron both started puking simultaneously on the plane. It is tough when one kid is puking but with two going at the same time? Poor Kira.

Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he’s an egg

Monday, August 20, 2018

Happy Birthday to Me

My actual birthday was last Sunday, August 12, the day after the surprise party and it turned out much like I was expecting the weekend would be. It was just my kids and grandkids plus the Sanchez’s and Vicky and Thomas McCormack who had both traveled quite a ways to be here.
Greg and his son Robert and his girlfriend left on Saturday night so they weren’t there for the Sunday dinner.
Landons birthday was Aug 4 but he sort of got lost in the flurry of activity up there in Canada so we celebrated our birthdays together. Lisa had ordered me another Star Trek cake. This one was quite creative.  And Landon had his own ice cream cake.

Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters were born in the same year, 1929.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Last Sunday at roughly 3:00AM I turned 60 years old. It seems weird to me that I have been alive for six decades. My children are now about the age I feel myself to be in my head.
I had imagined my birthday was going to be a special meal enjoyed by Lisa and myself and then perhaps she would let me pick out a movie to watch. We watch a whole lot of Hallmark movies around here.
As it turned out, Lisa had other plans in the works. I guess somewhere back around November my lovely wife created a chat room for her and the kids titled something like “Dad turns 60” and they’ve been planning a special birthday for me for the last 8 months. I had no clue.
I was quite excited when “coincidentally” three of my kids were going to be in town on my birthday. There really was no reason to be suspicious though since they all had good reasons to be here.
It all started when Kira and Justin and their friends decided to have a “friends” vacation in San Diego. They were here with their friends and stayed with their friends in a hotel. Their kids were quite confused as to why they were in San Diego but weren’t staying at Grandma’s house. The friends left on Friday though and Kira and her family were planning on staying here for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. Cool, I was excited.
Next was Alycia, she had planned to spend a week in San Diego this summer with her kids. The date wasn’t nailed down but when she learned that Kira was going to be here she decided to be here the same week and they could also spend my birthday weekend with me. Now I was getting even more excited.
Ben and Sharley are only a five hour drive away so when they learned that Kira and Alycia were going to be here they figured they should come and join them.
Now I was truly excited. Three of my six kids were going to be here on my birthday.
And that is how it was… until Thursday.
So Thursday is my day at the temple, but when I walked in the door after my shift there was Sarah sitting in the living room. I was in shock, it hadn’t even entered my mind that they would be coming. They have a big move coming up that they needed to be getting ready for. But Sarah is the one who hates to miss out on the fun so I just said, “hello Miss FOMO” and gave her a big hug.
Friday was kind of a “do your own thing” day. I got half a day of work in, Lisa went shopping for our “family” dinner on Sunday, Ben & Sharley and Kira & Justin went to some museum and Alycia & Trevor went out for their anniversary dinner while Lisa and I and Sarah and Sam babysat and watched a movie.
Later on Justin, Trevor, Ben and myself got a game of Star Trek Catan going and played games until all hours of the night.
At somewhere around 2:00AM in walks Alex and his girlfriend Lisa. I was speechless. I should have expected Alex would come once Sarah was here, but it never dawned on me that he would. That meant that Brandon was the only kid not in town for my birthday. My 60th birthday was shaping up to be the best one ever.
When I started looking around for Brandon to show up they assured me he wasn’t able to come. Serene is expecting a baby (#14) any day now so I guess he has a valid excuse.
So that was it. Saturday morning started out as a rather lazy day with plans to head out to the beach in the afternoon. Around 11:00 Lisa told me that there was a new “accessible” park that Kira wanted to check out for Evan, so we loaded up the kids and headed to Torrey Meadows Park over by Westview High School.
I pulled into the park and it looked like a cool park but I didn’t see our family anywhere. I was with Kira, Lisa, Piper and Evan. They all started walking to the other end of the park so I naturally followed along.
There was a large gazebo filled with people. I couldn’t see where our family was, but then all of the sudden about 50 people in the Gazebo turned around yelled “surprise” and started singing Happy Birthday to me.
I was in total shock. While I figured a family party was obvious for Sunday, (my actual birthday), the thought that fifty non-family people would come to a party for me was the furthest thing from my mind. I didn’t know what to say and I was sure hoping no one was expecting a speech. It was tremendous fun though and there were a few surprises for me as well.

The first person I saw was Tad Hove. I haven’t seen him in ten years. He is doing well and it was good to see him.
The next surprise was Greg, my oldest brother. He lives in Vernal, Utah and he came all the way to San Diego for my birthday. It was so good to see him. The other surprise was Dan Allen, a fellow I used to work with at Hi-Z about fifteen years ago. Dan and I still go sailing a few times a year so I do see him, but it was certainly a surprise to see him there.

Lisa had managed to get some pictures of me growing up and made a small display about me. She did a great job. She also bought me a cool Star Trek cake. You may have heard that I’m a bit fond of that show.
I hesitate to name everyone who was there because I’m bound to forget someone, but here goes in alphabetical order.
Dan Allen
Reaghan & Joanne Beecroft
Trevor & Alycia Crowley & family
Rick Daynes
Ben & Desiree Heaton & family
Dave & Diane Evans
Larry & Carrie Farnes
Greg & Pam Gosch
Mike Gray & Family
Brad & Pattie Hatch
Tad Hove
Lisa Jones
Rebecca Knaphus & Family
Alex Leavitt & Lisa Buasum
Ben & Sharley Leavitt & family
Greg Leavitt
Robert & Michelle Leavitt
Kathy Marx
Thomas & Vicky McCormack
Craig & Marilyn McPhie
Rick & April Muir
Peter & Mandy Oldenwalder & family
Kira & Justin Palmer & family
Anne Pascal
Linda Petersen
Roger & Wendy Platt
Mahonry & Molly Sanchez & family
David & Sarah Walton

If I forgot anyone please let me know. What a fun and very unusual experience. The only other time I have been the center of attention like that was at our wedding, and let’s face it, everyone was there for the bride, not me.
So I tried to say “hi” to everyone there but I’m sure I missed someone. I’m sorry if I did. We did eventually make it to the beach Saturday afternoon and that was also a fun time. The water this summer is apparently warmer than it has been since 1902. I don’t know if it was this warm in 1902 or if that was when they started keeping records.

Saturday night was also an interesting experience. I’ve always wondered what Dungeons and Dragons is all about, well, now I know. For some reason Alex really wanted to get a game of D&D going, so Frank Criger came down to be our dungeon master and we played well into the night.