Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Friday I came home from work planning on just being a bum and watch some movie. To my surprise and joy Lisa told me that we'd been invited to go over to Lexi and Steve Sharps after dinner. We had a fun time. We visited all night long, checked out all the work Steve's done in his yard and then we ate pie and ice cream. We even learned a cool new game played with domino's called Mexican Train. Meanwhile Sarah was out with some friends.

Saturday morning I slept in, puttered around the house a bit and then we were headed out for another one of Sarah's cross country meets. I know you're all groaning and saying,
"just what we want, more pictures of Sarah running." Well I'm sorry, I love to watch her run so it's going to get posted here. She actually had her best race of the season. I think she may have posted a better time last year but for this year it was her best. Her team actually came in first place. It was fun to watch.

For the last several months Sarah has been volunteering with a group fo Mentally challenged kids. I say kids but some of them are in their thirties. The special olympics were cancelled in San Diego for a lack of funding so everyone in San Diego got together and formed sports leagues. Every week they get together and play each other. In the summer it was soccer and now they're playing Boccie Ball. A few weeks ago they had a Harvest Festival and this weekend it was a Halloween party. Sarah goes to nearly all of these events. The Harvest Festival was funny because Sarah went as the Chaperone but when they got there they were serving alcohol and Sarah had to lie to even get in.

The kids were all allowed but the Chaperone wasn't. Funny. We forgave her for that lie, it would have been bad if they hadn't had their Chaperone. Lisa also went to the Halloween party to help serve. While they were there they also met up with Peter and Maron. What a small world.

Sunday was another crazy day. With Choir practice in the morning, the meetings in the afternoon Temple choir in the evening and then a High Priest meeting after that the day was quite full. Good but full.

We were also expecting Serene and the girls Sunday also but they then decided to come on Monday. During October kids can get into the zoo for free so Mom invited Serene to bring the girls down so they could go. Monday when I walked in the house I was greeted by a little girl who wanted an "airplane" ride. As soon as I had Sydney "flying" around the house then Hayley wanted to fly. It wasn't long before I ran out of gas. I then found out that I was babysitting while Lisa, Serene and Sarah went to the seamstress to pick up Sarah's dress. I'm not sure but I think it might have been a Halloween dress.

One of the handicapped boys wanted Sarah be the "Blues Brothers" with her (who ever they are) but Sarah really wanted to be Alice in Wonderland for the party with her friends. While the big girls were out the little girls and I had more airplane rides, had cowboy rides and built castles with blocks. It was fun.

Today was the big day at the zoo. Alas, I had to go to work but that may have been a good thing. As I was working in the back lab we had the big high bay doors open and the rain was just pouring down. I texted Lisa and asked if she was getting wet and she responded, "soaked". From the pictures it looks like they still had fun. They came home and baked cookies.

Right now I'm babysitting again (the kids are in bed) while Lisa and Serene are at a movie. I wasn't invited.

Cities actually attract hurricanes towards them.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

LOVE that last picture of Sydney and Mum :) SO CUTE!
Why can't I live near home &do all these fun things with you guys! BOO!
AND Mexican Train is the game we played with Ben &Sharley.... I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT TOO! haha I think you guys need to buy it and then maybe I would stay up late and play games with all the guys haha :)

Peter and Mandy said...

What a fun weekend!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

P.S. That picture was taken on my honeymoon! Mazatlan to be exact :)

Lynn said...

""Blues Brothers" (who ever they are) " You are FUNNY!!! HA HA. Whoever they are.