Monday, February 20, 2023

Ben & the Boys

Ben and his boys arrived Saturday (1/7/2023) morning. They were having a surprise birthday party for his friend Derek and since Sharley was working, Ben packed up the boys and came and spent the day with us. The boys would have been happy to spend the day on their electronics but Ben and I talked them into going for a short hike.

They weren’t too excited about the idea of a hike but once we got them on the trail they got into it. It was a very short trail and once we completed the loop they wanted to keep going.

One of Lisa’s work colleagues was having a birthday party that we had been Invited to but Ben needed a babysitter for his boys so he could go to his birthday party, so I stayed home with the boys, Lisa went to her friends birthday party and Ben went to his friends birthday party and me, Freddie and Jack stayed home and partied.

As it turned out it wasn’t much of a party. I fed them supper and then turned on a TV show for them while I cleaned up dinner. The instant I was done I was suddenly overcome with very intense chills.

I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch and didn’t wake up until 4:30 in the afternoon on the next day. I slept for about twenty two hours. It was rather crazy. Even when I did wake up I was rather groggy but I was able to say goodbye to Ben and the boys, eat something and then go back to bed.

While I was functional on Monday it wasn’t until Wednesday that I really felt myself again. Meanwhile, as I was recuperating Lisa got sick, Alycia got sick, Jeff Andrew got sick and it feels like everyone is coming down with the same thing.

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