Friday, February 17, 2023


At the last minute Alycia and Trevor decided to squeeze in one more vacation before the kids headed back to school so last Thursday evening (Jan 12) they showed up at our doorstep.

Lisa wanted to skip the Temple but one of the other coordinators couldn’t be there so she felt obligated to attend. I had no such obligations and I had a sub who owed me a day so I spent the evening with the kids. They spent Friday at the park which closed at 5:00 so we showed up at 5:00 so we could spend the evening with the kids.

The Legoland Hotel is amazing. You could just stay at the hotel and have a ball without ever going to the park. They had a storyteller, a dance hall, Lego’s were stashed in every corner and even the elevators had disco balls and dance music.

We got to our elevator and Sawyer dragged Grandma off into a nearby corner and stepped on a specific place in the carpet and it sounded like Grandma let go with a huge fart. It was an electronic whoopee cushion. He thought it was the best joke.

Look at that kid behind Ella; he is certain that stack is coming down. It was pretty wobbly but it didn’t fall until she knocked it down.

And then there was the room. It was a regular pirate’s room and the kids loved it as much as they did the rest of the hotel.

We ate an amazing all you can eat buffet and I completely gorged myself. It has been a long time since I’ve done that. The Crowley’s were dying after a rather intense day so we didn’t stay too late. They were getting up early on Saturday and doing it all over again. They then headed home Sunday morning. It was a great time with the grandkids.

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