Wednesday, May 29, 2024

General Conference

Friday, April 12, 2024
It was general conference this last weekend so Saturday morning we all watched the first session of conference. After conference, we split and headed different directions. Brandon and I went with Ally and Charlotte to the airport because Charlotte had to head back to Missouri, the remaining women went antiquing, and Justin took the kids to a movie. He is a brave man and from all accounts, Cameron made the trip in the van a memorable experience.
Sunday morning was conference again and then between sessions we went for a walk in a nearby park. It was stunning.
It was a two mile walk with a paved walkway, so it was perfect for Evan. Most of it was shaded with lush woods and we were visited by several Cardinals. We tried to take pictures of the cardinals but they were all too far away to be worth sharing.
We enjoyed the many blue bonnets that were in bloom and a pretty little creek paralleled the path for much of the way. It was a great walk.
At the end of the walk, we were now two miles away from the van but I hadn’t run in a while so I was happy to run back to the van and drive it to the other end of the trail.
Blue bonnets were growing everywhere, and they were beautiful. I guess they have a problem with people walking out to pick them and smell them and they end up getting trampled because there were signs everywhere asking people to leave them alone. We didn’t pick any and only smelled those that were close to the trail.
I have such beautiful daughters.
And a beautiful family.
4% of the sand on Omaha Beach consists of small iron beads from shrapnel created during the battle.

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