Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sword Beach

Monday, February 19, 2024

Sword Beach, (like Gold Beach,) was taken by the British. Of the 29,000 troops that landed on this beach they lost 630. Their goal was to take the city of Caen. The British didn’t have a lot of fighting to do at the beach but faced heavy resistance as they moved inland. They did achieve their goal on the first day.
The allies were worried about German reinforcements coming from north and east and so the airborne were sent in shortly after midnight to take out two major bridges. The bridges were far enough from the beaches that paratroopers wouldn’t be able to make it, so the paratroopers flew in gliders. They were called flying coffins by some. In all of the D Day invasion, the paratroopers are the only ones who achieved their goal.

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