Wednesday, September 04, 2024

For The Strength of Youth

Monday, September 2, 2024

In the Bishopric, the member of the bishopric who is conducting will be the first to bear his testimony on that fast Sunday. For me, it is probably the scariest part of being in the bishopric. Yesterday was Fast Sunday and I could not come up with anything to talk about in my testimony. The meeting had already started and all during the sacrament I was saying a prayer asking for some guidance of what I could talk about. Suddenly I knew exactly what I should say.
A couple of weeks ago was Stake Conference and the visiting area authority was Elder Marin. His first comment in the leadership session was, “Are you enjoying your callings”? I remember when he said that my first thought was, “yes”. I am enjoying my calling. And a big part of that is because I work with the youth.

I shared that in my testimony and then went on to talk about how great the youth in our ward are. I shared some specific examples and then mentioned how I was able to go with the youth on a baptism trip on Saturday morning. We had to get up before 5:00 am and we had at least twenty five kids there and maybe more. The spirit was strong during the baptisms and the kids were amazing. It is great to see the youth actually performing the baptisms and being witnesses. It was a great trip. I then bore my testimony about the reality of God and Jesus Christ and the atonement.

Unknown to me, was that the youth had all agreed together that they would all share their testimonys in yesterdays meeting. Immediatley after I sat down, about seven young men got up and bore their testimonies, when they were done several more of the youth got up and that is how it went until we were ten minutes overtime. When I tell this story it comes across as a prank but these testimonies were sincere and the spirit was strong. I think only three adults were able to get to the pulpit. It was an amazing meeting.

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