Friday, February 28, 2025


Monday, January 20, 2025

On Saturday, December 28, we all went to Disneyland. Disneyland is truly amazing but it has become so expensive (over $200 per person of any age) and the lines are so long that it is hardly worth it. I would never go but when we go with Justin and Kira they are able to work the system because they have two special needs children. Also, this year the Disneyland tickets were Christmas gifts from Brandon and Alley.
The entire day was amazing, but it would be boring to just give a play by play, so I will just share some pictures and you will get the idea.

First of all, with such a large group it was next to impossible to stay all together so unfortunately I have no group pictures with everyone it in.

I think they told me that this guy is a andelorian. I don’t know just who that is, but the kids were excited to see him and the baby Yoda he was carrying around. Piper was thrilled to have him come right up to her.
Alley was thrilled to have all of her kids all with her.
Justin was able to capture most of us on the Thunder Mountain Railroad. It was my job to keep Evan from breaking his neck.

It was a bit rough for him, but his head is still connected to his body.

Cooper was able to spend the day with his dad. That was kind of cool.
Carousels are probably the lowest tech rides at the theme park, but I find them to be one of the coolest.

Cameron did much better today than he usually does. I think Kira did miss a few rides because of him though.
I think this might be my favorite Tiki.
Rosalie hitching a ride with her cousin.
The women were all excited about “It’s a Small World” and Cinderella’s castle.
I must admit that the lights made them look pretty spectacular.
Sydney, Hayley, Rosalie & Kira. I will let these pictures speak for themselves.
Downtown Disney

It was a very fun day.

Humpback whales will sometimes hide seals under their pectoral fins to protect them from sharks.

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