Monday, Dec 23, we walked Christmas card lane. It was very crowded.
It was going great until we decided to pose as a group for a picture and we noticed that Grayson wasn’t there. That led to a very panicked half hour. Mom had a picture of him which she shared with people and we saw the Blankenbillers and recruited them to help with the search. Finally we called 911 figuring that if anyone saw a distraught boy lost on the steet they would probably call 911.
While the police were on their way, one of the Blankenbiller boys called in to report that Grayson had found his way to where we had parked the van.
That answered a lot of fervent prayers. We were all quite amazed at the calm manner and logical thought process Grayson used in a situation that would have caused most kids his age to panic. You may notice that Grayson isn’t in the picture. The lady you may not know is Lorie Roberts who joined us that day.
For our POP dinner (Pig Out Palooza) we made food runs to In N Out, Taco Bell, Chick fil A, Raising Canes, Cotija’s, Starbucks, Panda Express and Jersey Mikes.
As far as I can remember, for our traditional Christmas Eve talent show we had the following:
Finn Gymnastics
MacKenzie Piano
Rosalie Splits
Hayley A weird knee walk
Sydney Sang a song
Cooper Kidnapping
Griffin A Narcoleptic Event
Brandon Smoked Ribs
Ally Piano
Mom Stockings
We then read the Christmas Story from Luke 2 and then watched moms favorite Nativity video and then sent the kids to bed. We then stuffed the stockings and we went to bed.
During an average persons life time their hair will grow 590 miles
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