Monday, February 24, 2025

Happy New Year

Wednesday, January 7, 2025

What an exciting Christmas Holiday we just had. I have a lot to catch up on. I guess the best I can do is just take it one day at a time.

This year was our off year so we weren’t expecting anyone to come and spend Christmas with us but Brandon and Ally didn’t come last year because it was their first year with their new merged family and they thought it was best to do that at home. I think it was probably the best choice. They decided to come this year. 

They left Texas on Saturday, December 21, spent the night in Las Cruces and arrived on Sunday. That is one long an boring drive with little to see or do on the way, but the desert can be beautiful at times. The kids get a lot of sleep on the trip.

Meanwhile we were working furiously to get everything done for Christmas and they’re arrival. That wouldn’t normally be a problem but Lisa decided to make six new stockings for Brandons kids. 

She had made stockings for Brandons family when him and Serene were together but when he married Ally, she made new stockings for Ally and her kids. We finally decided that we were giving the 

 wrong message though, because Ally’s family had one stocking pattern but Brandons family had a different pattern and we wanted them to be one family. That meant six new stockings which I believe Lisa finished the day they arrived. Now they were one family. One BIG family.

In 2022 Canada and Denmark created the first land border between the America's and Europe when they agreed to share a tiny, barren and uninhabited outcrop in the Arctic.


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