Friday, June 04, 2010

Trail Mix

Last week a girl at work bought some trail mix from the vending machine. As she was eating it she saw that it had live worms crawling through it. Of course she about freaked and complained to the owner of the vending machine. He compensated her with some more "free" trail mix. The other day she opened one of her free trail mix's and to her dismay there were some more worms crawling in the trail mix. Being curious we decided to put one of the raisins with a worm in it under the microscope. We recorded a video of the little guy for your viewing pleasure. To give you some perspective of the size of this little guy, the worm is on a raisin.


Lynn said...

Oh gross!!!!!!

Sounds like the vending machine guy needs to get in contact with the company who MAKES the trail mix.

I think I will be looking a LOT closer at mine now.

Very cool video! Thanks!

Lisa said...

Ewww!!! Ewww!!!! Ewww!!!! That is disgusting and I won't even watch the video.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

OOOOO How on earth did it get in the bag?! That company should get rid of everything in there machine and clean it out...gross.

Kira said...

that is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me want to never go near a vending machine again!

Peter and Mandy said...

Oh I think I'm going to spew. I love the Kirkland Trail mix. I eat it mostly every day after I don't feel so well.