Saturday, January 13, 2024

Dad, Tell Me About the Time…(5)

Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023

Were You Taught To Pay Cash For Things Or Borrow For Your Needs?

The idea of owning a credit card never entered my mind until Lisa and I were actually married. I had always paid cash for things and even to this day I incur debt very reluctantly.

Share One Of Your Early Birthday Memories You Had With Your Family.

Our family never made a big deal about birthdays, I don’t remember ever having a birthday party, either with friends or with my family. We would have a special meal (what ever mom decided, I don’t remember getting to pick my own meal) and afterward I would open my gifts. It is funny, but I don’t remember a single birthday gift that I received or ever doing anything special on my birthday. That probably has more to do with my memory than to do with my birthdays.

Did You Share A Bedrooom With A Sibling?

I have had my own bedroom for less than a year or two of my entire 65 years on this earth. When I was born I may have slept in my own room or maybe I was in with my parents. I don’t remember that, but as soon as Lester was born fourteen months later, we shared a room until I went to college.

At BYU I had shared a room with a room mate and then after my first year at college in April I had my own room until August when I went on my mission.

I obvioiusly had a room mate for my entire mission. After my mission from Aug 1979 until July 1981 I had my own room. When I got married I have shared a bedroom with Lisa until today.

What Kind Of Chores Did You Have To Do As A Kid?

While at the time I thought I was the most hard done by kid, when it came to chores I really didn’t have it too hard. For some reason mom thought I should be the one to vacuum the floors. All of our rooms were carpets and I had to vacuum them all nearly every single day. I hate vacuuming even today. I’d much rather sweep a floor.

Mom always had a garden and she was never satisfied with a small garden but it was always huge. Our garden was probably as big (or bigger) than our entire yard in our house here in San Diego. The garden on the farm was much bigger. All of us kids were sent out to weed that garden. That was bad enough when everyone else was home but by the time I was fifteen, there was only Lester and myself left to weed it. That was not fun.

During the winters when there was no garden, there was snow. I never did mind shovelling snow. For some reason there is some satisfaction in clearing off a side walk. I think I may have been a bit OCD when it came to shovelling the walk. I had to remove every bit of snow and make the edges of the sidewalk as straight as possible. As an adult I would even shovel our neighbors walks. Unfortunately, Lisa also enjoys soveling snow so the walks were usually already shoveled when I would get home from work.

Other than those jobs I did of course have to do dishes, set the table, clean my room and pick up the house and other normal jobs.

How Were You Punished If You Misbehaved?

It may seem weird but I don’t ever remember being punished. I don’t ever remember being spanked or grounded or given a time out. Nothing. I did have rules and was not always allowed to do what I wanted, but rarely did I disobey those rules.

I don’t ever remember throwing a temper tantrum or talking back or saying mean things to my parents. I would argue and pout, and sometimes yell but that was about it.

I guess the closest thing I remember to being punished (but it isn’t really punishment) is that we had to have our jobs done before we could go anywhere. If I was told to clean my room and I didn’t, then I wasn’t allowed to go play until I did clean my room. Is that punishment or just consequences?

Who Did Most Of The Cooking In Your Home?

Mom did pretty much all of the cooking but my sisters also cooked some. My dad and us boys never cooked a single meal that I can remember. As an older teenage, I did start making pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Did You Eat Together As A Family?

We always ate dinner together. Breakfasts and lunches were sporadic but dinner was always eaten as a family. I remember we had good conversations at the dinner table.

When I was younger I remember that we had the big meal during the day. We even called it dinner. Dad and Greg would come in from the fields and I even remember sometimes hired hands would come in and we would have roast beef potatoes and gravy at noon.

We would have breakfast, dinner and supper. That all changed during the winter and once most of us kids were in school.

Even today I will often find myself referring to lunch as dinner.

What Is A Food You Loved As A Child And Still Enjoy Today?

Roast beef, potatoes and gravey always has been and always will be my favorite meal.

I also have very fond memories of fried bread. I don’t eat it as often as I would like, but I think maybe I need to change that.

The measurement of time, the second, is called that 
because it's the second division of the hour. 
(Why aren't minutes "first's?)

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