The family was to leave Saturday morning so my plan was to take care of all my errands on Saturday so that I could just be a bum the rest of the time. As it happened Lisa and the kids didn't leave until after noon and I got called into work and didn't get home until late. All I had time for was to make something to eat, read a bit in my book and go to bed.
Sunday was going to be another great opportunity to be a complete loner for the better part of the day but I ended up getting invited to someones house for dinner (they felt sorry for me) and I had a meeting at the temple in the evening. Don't get me wrong, it was great to have a place to go for dinner and if the Pettit's should happen to read this, thank you, honest.
Monday was my next opportunity and I purposely left work on time so I could go home and be a bum. I walked in the door, made a plate full of food and sat down to watch an episode of Star Trek. Unfortunately, as I'm watching TV I looked out the back window at my overgrown yard and I couldn't help myself, I went out and trimmed a row of hedges that was much more work than I had anticipated. It was dark and I was drenched in sweat before I came in the house. Another hermit opportunity was lost.
So Tuesday was to be my big day. I picked up the mail and walked in the house and decided that I should go through my huge stack of mail that has been piling up. As I'm going through it I see that the LCD I ordered for Ben's Palm Centro has come. I call Ben and he brings his phone over for me to replace the LCD but three hours later I finally give up. I think the LCD they sent was defective. I won't bore you with the details but even though I got it to come on a few times it is intermittent and won't stay on. The guy who sold it to me on ebay had better send me a replacement.
Today of course is scouts so that is hardly a hermit opportunity so there you are. Tomorrow is temple night and the family is on the road heading for home. Oh well, as excited as I was about being a hermit I'm more excited to see the family. I can't wait. That hermit thing is still very attractive but I want Lisa to come and live with me and I want the kids to bring my grand babies to see me. Does that still qualify as being a hermit if you have visitors?
That does not qualify as life as a hermit :) I'm going to look at the hedges - woohoo! I'm excited you are getting the yard done. We don't have much time. It's amazing how things happen and we don't get to do the things we think we will.
Nope - it's not possible for you to be a hermit. MAybe that's a GOOD thing. ; )
you might think you are a hermit by nature, but I think you just proved yourself wrong! :-)
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