Friday, June 25, 2010

The Hunger Games

I just want Sharley to know that she's killing me. A couple of weeks ago she loaned me a book called "The Hunger Games". I just got around to reading it and I can't put the crazy book down. Of course I'm so busy that I don't get to read them until bed time but then I end up reading until 2:00 AM. I'm dying of exhaustion. I love the book. The plot line is a bit bizarre but I love the book never-the-less.

Yesterday was a great day for me. I started at Hi-Z in February of 2009 and shortly after I started I was given a project to do. I've been busting my butt ever since trying to accomplish this task that people have been trying to do since the 1960's. Yesterday I made a successful test. I am so stoked. It has been a year and a half and I bet we've spent over a million dollars on this but we have success. Of course this is just the beginning, we've got to prove it'll last for at least 10,000 hours and we've got to scale it up to be commercially viable but those are all easy tasks compared to what we've just accomplished. I almost want to stay home and work on it. I love to leave on vacation on a high note. Tomorrow we hit the road.

In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her cheating adulterous husband but she may only do so with her bare hands.


Maren Romney said...

Those are page-turners! And that's what I was saying also- interesting concept, but super gory!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

So I guess if you are planning on cheating you better marry a wife that is tiny :)

Lynn said...

Wow. Interesting trivia.

Ben Leavitt said...

you will need to tell me more about your project when you get back... i guess i know why you have been so hard to get a hold of lately! congrats!

Unknown said...

im glad you like the books! I love that feeling, where a book is so good you cant sleep! (sorry about that though!) I am happy that now I have another person to talk "hunger games" with!