Friday, October 04, 2024

Kira & Justin

Tuesday, September 25, 2024

In addition to my whole narcolepsy/CBD experience on Friday, the Palmer family also arrived on Frideay; minus Kira and Landon. Landon had a band commitment on Saturday so Kira and Landon flew in Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening Justin flew back to Arizona so he could work for the week.
Saturday we spent several hours at the beach. It was a perfect beach day. The water was in the 70°’s and it was sunny. We stayed for several hours. Sunday we all went to church but Justin left after Sacrament meeting to go get Kira and Landon at the airport. Sunday night after dinner Justin flew home.

Mamoths and Asian elephants are more closely related to each other 
than either of them are rleated to the African elephant.

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