Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Palmers – week 2

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Kira and Justin headed to Universal studeos last weekend and returned Monday. Well, they returned without Justin and Landon. Justin had to work and Landon had band camp so they drove straight home from Universal Studios. Kira, Evan, Cameron and Piper stayed here until today. They will be leaving around noonish.

Monday Lisa and I worked and Kira and the kids spent the day at the beach with some friends of theirs. Monday evening we had a weiener roast and s’mores in our backyard for one of their friends daughters. Lisa and I left early to go to our dance class.
Tuesday I went with Kira and the kids to Legoland. While Kira is healed enough that she is allowed to lift Evan, he is still a big kid and tough to lift into rides even for a healthy adult. Unfortunately, mom had to work.
Legoland was a blast, it was a bit tough for Kira because Cameron kept finding things that he thought were terribly fascinating and did not want to leave his fascination to join the rest of the family. Since we couldn’t leave him Kira had to drag him away which resulted in a major scene, that was hard on her.
Kira’s emotions were heightend by Legolands policy of transferring Evan to a hand wheelchair and leaving the electric wheelchair with the strollers. Kira was not about to leave the $150,000 wheelchair unsupervised with the strollers so the first few rides resulted in a twenty minute delay while the workers had to call in someone who could work with us.
After a couple of hours of this we were seriously considering getting our money back and leaving, but then we found a simpathetic manager who spread the work to the entire park to watch for the crazy lady with the wheel chair and give her what she wants. We had no problems after that, but before we left for the day, the Guest Services got an earful and Kira and Legoland will be having some serious discussions about their wheelchair policy.
Other than the occassional issue with Cameron getting stuck, the rest of the day was great.
Tuesday evening we celebrated Camerons birthday. It was a good day.
Wednesday Kira and a couple of her friends drove to Temecula to visit a friend who has had a tumor removed from her brain. She is doing well but it is very scary. We had a good evening with the kids. Well, I had mutual and Piper was hiding in her room all night on her tablet but no one went to bed until late so it was good to hang out with Cameron, Evan and mom. Thursday was a slow morning while Kira packed and then we said our good byes.

Kira and Justin, thank you for spending your fall break with us. 

Because of genetics, about 90% of drugs only work for about 30-50% of people.

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