Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Washington DC - day 2

I am now in my CTIA meetings and for some reason the discussions today are quite interesting. I think it is mostly because a lot of companies aren't here (after all, it is the week before Christmas) and so it is much easier to agree on things.

This morning I finally woke up around 10:00 and showered. I think I'm mostly recovered from a very tough night. To make it worse, there was a bawling baby on the row right behind me. He was actually pretty good considering how long we were crammed in that plane. I learned years ago how to sleep through a bawling baby. It was a skill I put to good use last night.

Goodness gracious it is cold out here. I know I'll get no sympathy from the Canadians but I am really not used to this. I was thinking I'd go for a walk tonight but I'm having second thoughts.

This morning the CTIA brought some people into our discussions and they told us that Congress is considering forcing electronic companies to create a standard for chargers. Apparantly many people in the nation believe that there is a conspiracy among companies like ours to create many different incompatible chargers just as a way to sell more of them and make money. I do agree that it would be nice if I could use a single type of charger for all my cell phones and digital cameras, IPods, etc. The problem is that we worry a lot about after market chargers because they are made very cheaply and are dangerous. If we have to standardize then we would have to control those cheap aftermarket chargers.

Tonight I had dinner with a guy from Motorola. We ate Thai food. It was pretty good. I was having a tough time staying awake later today so I'd better get to bed early. In case you don't remember I thought I'd remind you about my hotel. The Rouge Hotel is obviously owned by some major tree huggers. They have many articles about the environment (which is good) but their hotel is very weird. They have several statues of naked women in front, the walls are all red and it really looks like a whore house. Before when I was here the floor I was on had leopard skin carpet. This floor is zebra carpet. I thought I'd take a picture for you.


Lisa said...

What a unique hotel that is. I can't remember how you ended up in it the first time. How was that? I know you always stay there now. It poured here on Monday didn't rain yesterday but has been pouring all night. I can't hear it now so I don't know if it's stopped or just slowed down. I like it! It's nice to have a change although I don't like the cold it brings with it.

Lynn said...

What a strange decor for a hotel.

Thanks for sharing the bit about chargers. I had no idea. I too thought it was so people would just have to keep buying. Now I know! : D

thenaptimebaker said...

sydney says unique hotel.