Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Temple Trip

Friday, October 20, 2023
Last night Lisa and I made a trip up to the Newport Beach Temple. A trip to the temple is always a wonderful experience and I always feel so good after spending a few hours in such a peaceful place. Last night, however, the trip up there was anything but peaceful.

Lisa got home from work early so we were on the road before two o’clock. It was in the high 80’s when we headed out so the air conditioner was going and the air from the AC did feel cool but perhaps not as cool as it should have.

As we continued to drive however, Lisa started complaining and fanning her face and hitching up her skirt and talking about how the car we bought was a lemon and we got ripped off and how I need to take the car in and fix the AC and didn’t I just get the AC fixed, don’t they have a warranty on their work and… you get the idea. This went on for the entire trip.

As we continued to drive, the air from the AC was obviously warming up and even I was getting hot and the complaining from Lisa got worse. When we pulled off the freeway in Irvine, Lisa rolled down the windows and let the outside air blow through the car. This, of course, messed up her hair and so she added that to her list of complaints that she kept repeating over and over again. She couldn’t find a hair tie to try and keep her hair from blowing everywhere so she actually used a face mask to tie up her hair. That looked pretty funny.

Finally we arrived at the temple and before I turned the car off I noticed that the AC light wasn’t on. I asked Lisa if she had turned the AC off when she had rolled down the windows. She said that she hadn’t touched the AC.

I pushed the AC button and out blew nice cold air. The AC had been off the entire trip. We both started laughing.

The YKK on your zipper stands for 
“Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha.”

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