Monday, March 18, 2024

My Vision

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

In my post last Thursday, I mentioned that I had seen our future house in a vision before we had even been offered a job in Bassano. I mentioned that I had drawn a picture of the house I had seen in my journal. I decided to find that journal and include a copy of it here. I found it, and I decided that I would include a portion of the journal entry here along with the picture.

Here is an excerpt from my journal dated June 19, 1983.

After my graduation I feel much better about my future, but Lisa and I still planned a trip to the temple hoping to get some answers. On Friday, 10 June we headed for Cardston and on Saturday we were in the first session.

I had prepared well for this trip, and I felt close to the Lord. As I sat in the Terrestrial room, I closed my eyes and asked my Father in Heaven to please give me some indication as to which direction my life is to be directed. At that moment, with eyes still closed, everything got very bright and as if I was looking through a morning mist, I saw an older, stucco house. I knew that someday Lisa and I would live in this house, and I also knew that this house was in Rosemary. Rosemary is very close to Bassano. This whole vision lasted only an instant, but I would recognize this house if I saw it, even though I find it difficult to describe it.

It seems to me that it was on the east side of a gravel street. The street was fairly well treed, and the main entrance to the house was not facing the street, it was an older style, box-like house (not too attractive).

Above is an attempt at drawing what I saw. I found it difficult at first to accept this as a message from my God, but I know that it is. As I told Lisa about it, she began to cry. Later as I told my parents, my Father told me that he had asked God to give some me some sort of confirmation about my future, while I was at the temple that day. I assume that the Lord was telling me that I would at some time in the future get a job in Bassano and that when I did, I was to move to Rosemary. Rosemary is where the ward meets.

I then went looking for a photograph of our home in Rosemary, but I couldn’t find one in the time I had. Kira was able to find this photograph, but you can’t see the whole house. Let me go through my description, it is rather amazing.

I said the house was on the east side of a gravel street. The street was gravel, but the house is actually on the west side of the street. When I saw the house, I thought I was looking at the front of the house, but I was actually looking at the back of the house. This meant that I was facing east at the time so it is understandable that I would mistakenly think that the house was on the east side of the street.

The street is very well treed, just as I said.

There is a door in the front of the house but we never used it. We always used the door on the side of the house. In addition, I was looking at the back of the house so there was no door on what I “thought” was the front of the house.

It was definitely, an older style box-like house.

While it was dear to us, it is not a very attractive house.

It isn’t stucco but that is only a minor detail that I will choose to ignore. I did only see it for a moment.

This picture is taken from the back of the house and is the view that I saw. Unfortunately, you can’t see the left side of the house but let’s compare it to my drawing. Ignoring the tiny little basement window and the tiny bathroom window there is a big window on the right (Kitchen) and there is a big window on the left (baby room). In the picture you can’t see the window on the left. You can see the huge willow tree to the right of the house and the tree to the left of the house. The one difference that I didn’t notice is that in the photograph, the roof slopes off to the left and right but in the drawing the roof forms a peak on the left and right. Also, in the photograph the chimney is in the center of the house and in the drawing the chimney is to the right of center. Except for those small discrepancies I think the similarity is remarkable for something I only saw for a moment. Remember, I saw this and drew the picture long before I had even had a job offer.

Reading about this in my journal brought back all the memories of what a wonderful experience this was for me.

1 comment:

Justin Palmer said...

That is pretty cool