Saturday, March 02, 2024

Thursday & Friday

Wednesday, January 17, 2024
On Thursday Mom, Kira, Alycia and the kids went to the Wild Animal Park (I think it is now the Safari Park) while I tried to get some work done. 
That night we went to a bonfire at the beach that Jeff & Tiffany had invited us to. 
It was a good time and a first for Angelina who had never had smores before. 

The kids had a lot of fun but once they started dropping we figured it was time to take them home.
It was also fun to see Cassidy playing with other kids her own age. Cassidy is Ambers (Tiffany’s sister) daughter.
From the moment they arrived, Sawyer has been begging me to do some engineering stuff with him. He is full of ideas of things we could build together and is suggesting machines that can talk to us or cars that can drive themselves. He has great suggestions but they are projects that would take a team of engineers years to do. Finally I suggested that we build a rocket. He was very excited. Thursday we built a water rocket.
All we did was fill a two liter bottle half full of water, put a cork in one end and then pump it full of air until the cork pops out and the water shoots it into the air. On our first attempt I decided to use a hand pump so I had more control over the water pressure and I had Sawyer try and pump it. I was quite worried because he had his head right over the rocket which would have nailed him in the face. I finally had to take over because he didn’t have the strength.

Even though I was careful not to have my head over the rocket, the tube was short and I was obviously too close to the rocket. It nailed me right in the face. It hit my glasses and cut my eyebrow. After that I told everyone that we were going for an electronic ignition system and I went and got my electric pump. It worked spectacularly.
I then showed Sawyer how we could optimize the sytem by putting more or less water in the rocket to see how high it would go. Once it was optimized the rocket went very high.

It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once,
to completely drain the average human of blood.

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