Friday, March 08, 2024

Taking Down Christmas

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Once everyone was gone and the house was somewhat restored, we figured it was time to take down the Christmas decorations. We didn’t mind leaving them up for an extra week since we didn’t get them set up until the week before Christmas. It was about this time that I got around to enjoying my many gifts. Let me make a list of the gifts that I got. Probably the coolest gift I got was a piece of Trinitite from Lisa. My cool piece of trinitite is explained in these photographs.

In addition to my trinitite I also got:

· a trilobite fossil (Lisa)
· a hard case wallet (Lisa)
· a schematic of the starship enterprise that I can hang on my wall (Palmers)
· a fanny pack wallet for our trip to Europe to hold my passport and cash (Lisa)
· a card with many of the names of Christ on it (Lisa)
· a homemade card (Angelina)
· a subscription to snacks from around the world (Brandon & Ally)

I got Lisa a laser printer because our ink jet printer is always messing up our prints. It usually does fine with grey scale print jobs but is usually bad with color print jobs.

I also got her a robotic vacuum cleaner. I love playing with that thing and it does an amazing job. Someone created a lot of fancy code to make that thing work. I love how it can deal with just about anything left on the floor. It doesn’t handle electrical cords very well though. It may sound like I bought the vacuum for myself but trust me, even though Lisa isn’t interested in how the vacuum works, she loves having the floors cleaned every day.

New research shows that if you feel an illness coming on, 
strenuous aerobic excerise before you get too sick may improve your recovery time.
Strenuous aerobic excersize increases your T cell levels.
T cells fight infections.

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