Saturday, July 27, 2024

Grandpa & Nana - part 2

Sunday, June 23, we celebrated Father’s Day because Lisa was gone on Father’s Day. We also needed a break after the long hot day the day before.

Monday, June 24, I worked during the day but knocked off early so we could go to a Padres game. It was tough for Lisa because her Oilers made it to game seven for the Stanley Cup which was a huge achievement. She came to the Padres game but watched the Oilers game on her phone.
Unfortunately, the Oilers lost, and it was confusing for the people around us when mom would scream quite loudly at totally inappropriate times for the Padres game. They finally figured out that she was screaming at the Oilers game. She got a lot of comments on her outfit.
To make up for the Oilers loss, the Padres came through with a spectacular win. We were in overtime; bottom of the 10th and Washington was up by one point. The bases were loaded, we had two out and the batter had two strikes and three balls. Talk about pressure.
The Padres hit what I thought was a home run and I couldn’t think of a better way to win than with a Grand Slam. I guess the ball landed in right field and bounced over the wall, so they gave us a double. That still gave us two points for a win.

Tuesday, June 25, Lisa took her dad and carol to Old Town and the Mormon battalion center while I stayed home and worked.
Wednesday, June 26, they went to the Air & Space Museum followed by a concert at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion.

Thursday, June 27, I took the day off work, and we did a two-hour Harbor Cruise tour. That is a fascinating cruise.
After the cruise we walked around the kissing statue and memorials that they have there.

Friday, June 28, I took the afternoon off and our friend Richard Olds took us to the Miramar Marine Base and we let Grandpa fly the F-18 flight simulator for an hour. Richard is a fighter pilot and trainer.
Alycia and her kids showed up on Friday as well.

Saturday, June 29, was a day at the beach.

30% of a birds volume is air. 3% of a human (lungs) is air.

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