Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Grandpa & Nana - part 4

Friday, July 5 was Lisa’s birthday. We kind of just puttered around the house while getting dinner ready for Lisa. We had a traditional 4th of July meal. Barbecued hamburger and hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon.
We had lots of cake because I bought a Fruit Basket cake (the same as most of the kids had for their weddings) and Ben and Sharley bought a “Nothing Bundt Cake”. They were both delicious and they both got eaten. The ”Nothing Bundt Cake” was a white cake with a raspberry swirl.

In addition to some small jewelry, I gave Lisa a new stereo for the van. In its day, the van had all the bells and whistles but the bells and whistels today are much better than they were then. It had a GPS system but it is way outdated. The new system I gave her will sync with the phone for google maps and phone calls.
Saturday, July 6, Boyd & Carol hit the road. They left around nine and I spent most of the day tidying up the house and yard. At one point Ben and his boys went to a Padres game, Sharly took Mariah out for lunch and Lisa and Desere went out for a birthday dinner. It was just me and Kit and since Kit is just a little angel that was fine with me.

I took the car to get it washed and when we pulled up to the vacuum cleaner to vacuum all the sand out of the car and to wash off any remaining spots, I handed Kit a rag and we both started cleaning. She took her job very seriously.
From the moment everyone left, Kit started talking nonstop. Most of the time I had no idea what she was saying but she was definitely trying to tell me something. I would just respond with a random answer and that was usually good enough for her.

On our way home I bought her an icecream cone and the talking was over. I don’t think she said more that two words between McDonalds and the house.
Sunday, July 7 Ben and Sharley packed up and were gone shortly after I left for my meetings. The afternoon was quiet, and we restored our house to normal. We washed the sheets etc. and made nine beds, picked up a million toys and threw out a ton of trash.

We then had to get ready for what has become our Sunday night crew. It has become quite common for a bunch of us to get together for Sunday dinner. Since we had so much left-over food from Lisa’s birthday, we had them come to our house for dinner.

We had the Andrews, the Crowthers (minus Kandice & Noah) and Rick & Judy Bair. We also invited the Odenwalders over.

Sales of children's books went up 800% because of the show, Reading Rainbow.

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