Monday, July 29, 2024

Grandpa & Nana - part 3

Sunday, June 30, was a recovery day. Other than going to church, we did nothing significant.

Monday, July 1, we dressed up in Canada gear, I took the day off and we headed for a tour of the Olympic Training Center.
It was fascinating. All kinds of athletes and para-athletes train here. 
We saw, Archery, the Rugby team that has already qualified for the summer Olympics, track & field (we saw the decathlon guy who has already qualified), and a bunch of people training in the gym. We also checked out their cafeteria. We weren’t allowed into their medical facilities or down at the rowing building but you can see the lake where they row in the background of this picture.
After the tour we met up with Alycia and her kids at the Children’s Pool. This might be the first time in years that I haven’t seen Sea Lions at the Children’s Pool. We did find some further north.
Tuesday, July 2, I worked while Lisa, her dad and Carol checked out the Midway Museum. After the Midway, they went to an Organ Performance at the Organ Pavilion.

Wednesday, July 3 was another day to catch our breath. The kids played in the sprinklers.
Thursday, July 4 was a big day. Sharley’s parents were in town, so they spent the morning with them and then joined is in Coronado for the fireworks.
We normally show up for the fireworks just before dark but today we got there early and walked around Hotel Del and the new museum they have there.

Ben and his family showed up around 6:00 and we ate chicken, potato salad, watermelon and chips. They also brought kites and we flew them. I love the picture with all three of Bens kids and the two kites just before sunset.
The fireworks are normally shot off a barge but this year they were launched off land and we had front row seats. They were amazing. Perhaps the best I’ve ever seen.
With more than 7,000 languages in the world today, 
half of the entire world speaks just ten languages as their mother tongue.

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