Tuesday, July 23, 2024

High Adventure - Day 5

Saturday morning (June 15) we packed up camp and headed down the mountain. The trip down was just as beautiful as the trip up and was pretty uneventful. 
We did stop at Peters cliff to check out where it all had happened but then we continued down the mountain and gathered at the cars and headed home.
I had to include this picture of Kyle carrying two back packs, one on front and one on the back.

As I was watching google maps a notice popped up that warning us that our trip might by affected by a brush fire. An hour or two later we came across this.

We were lucky to get through because in places the fire had come right up to the side of the road. The boys were fascinated by it all, but it made be quite sad as we watched cars and houses burn.

Proportionally, humans have the largest butt of any species.

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