Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sarah is at Girls Camp

Today was just another day with nothing special going on. I'm working hard to get caught up on the inevitable long list of emails that I get while I'm gone when suddenly I get an email with the following message and picture.

Hey daddy its sarah I love you!!!! Show mom too and I love her as well!

This was a bit of a surprise because Sarah is at girls camp and supposed to be in the wilderness. As you can tell, she is in the wilderness but apparently one of her leaders blackberry has a signal. It brightened up my day. Last night I got home and we painted Sarah's bedroom. Lisa likes to surprise the kids when they go away for a while.


Lisa said...

Sarah is at camp in Idyllwild. Kira has had girls camp there and also attended a music camp up there. They have a performing arts school up there that is pretty well known. We painted Kira's room when she was 14 and surprised her. Sarah will be 15 next month and we decided to surprise her. She will finally have her own room decorated her own way. We got the last of the other kids things out of the closet - hooray!!!

Lynn said...

How fun you two are!