Thursday, August 01, 2024


Friday, July 12, 2024

Tuesday afternoon we got a text from Jeff with a picture of sixteen rolls of sod. The Seiters had redone the lawn on some rental property they were about to sell and were taking the extra to the dump. It was too late to prepare our lawn to install the sod that night, but we had him bring it over and we watered it down and booked a rototiller for Wednesday.

We would need more sod, so I asked what kind it was. When we were told it was Bermuda grass, I didn’t want it. Bermuda goes dormant in the winter and looks like it’s dead and it is very aggressive and will definitely get into the flower bed. I asked Lisa if she would post it somewhere to give away for free.
Later that night we got another text from Jeff. The sod company had delivered the wrong sod to Paul Seiter. What we had was a tall fescue. The project was back on.

When I did the first sod, I only had one day to get it installed so I didn’t have time to rototill and level the ground. The lawn ended up uneven and the soil was so hard that it wouldn’t drain, the grass did ok in the winter but with the summer heat it was dying. I also installed the irrigation lines after the grass had gone in and that never fully recovered.
We picked up the rototiller around 3:00 and worked until 10:30. The hard packed earth and hundreds of big rocks made it back breaking work. Once the ground was finally tilled and the majority of the rocks were gone, it looked really nice. I leveled the ground and put in the sod we had. The rest of the ground will be prepped on Saturday and then I’ll order the rest of the 

A piece of lawn 5ft x 5ft will produce enough oxygen to support one human being.

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