Sunday, April 06, 2008

Mom and Dad

Fifty nine years ago today a wonderful thing happened. My mother and father were married. What a wonderful heritage they have created. Everything I am I owe to them. My children will all testify that I quote my dad almost daily. I suppose I should write all of these quotes down. I don't even know how many there are. "Things like "measure twice, cut once". "If WE don't do it then who will?" "A half a**ed job will always be a half a**ed job." "If it doesn't fit get a bigger hammer." There are many others but you get the idea. Mom on the other had was not quite as eloquent but I clearly remember every day when I came home from school, I would walk into the house and call out "mom". I just wanted to know that she was there. Often there was the smell of bread baking. Just knowing that she was there made me comfortable and happy. I would make myself a sandwich (often with fresh baked bread) and sit down and watch Star Trek knowing that all was well with the world. I love these memories and my only regret is that half my children never knew my mother and the other half barely remember her. And that my father never got to see my children grow to be good responsible adults who love their Father in Heaven. Once in a while when I'm in a reflective mood however I can't help but feel that my parents are still there watching over me and giving my children the occasional helping hand they need to get through their trials. I guess they aren't that far away.


Kira said...

Beautiful Dad. Thank you for your post. It is things like this that keep me feeling close to Grandpa and Grandma. Especially Grandma, because I was so young when she died. You do need to write down the quotes. I love you Dad. Thank you! How was dinner?

rdleavitt said...

I read your posts every few days. When I read this one and you talked about the smell of bread in the house that is very close to the most vivid thing I remember about grandma and that was her scones. I don't know why, but every time I see a scone I can't help but to think of her.
