Monday, November 20, 2023

Skye MacKenzie Taylor

Friday, August 22, 2023

At 2:36 yesterday afternoon Sarah delivered a 6 pound, 8 ounce baby boy. They named him Skye MacKenzie Taylor. I don’t know where the name Skye came from but MacKenzie is Sams middle name and I also believe it was his mother maiden name.

Sarah had been at a doctors appointment in the morning and it looked like everything was ready, so he stripped her membranes. From what I understand, that always hurts. They also told her to expect some cramping.

As they were driving home the cramping got worse until it became obvious that she was in labor. They turned the car aroundon on the freeway, called the girl who was going to watch Ezzie, and asked her to meet them at the hosptial and headed back. Skye was born less than an hour after they arrived at the hospital. As Lisa likes to say, this boy arrived fast and furious, just like his mother did.

Here is Sarahs account of the day. She shared this with the family in our chat group.

Wow! Skyes birth story, where to even begin. I had a doctor’s appointment at 10:30. Sam and Ezzy came along. Thank goodness Sam was there, because he usually isn’t and it’s usually just Ezzy and I. Doctor was surprised I hadn’t gone into labor during the week since I had lost my mucus plug Wednesday, and had consistent progressing contractions on Saturday from 1am to 8am.

When it came to the exam, I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. Exactly what I had been the week before. Doctor offered to do a membrane sweep and after some debate, I agreed. I immediately had discomfort and Dr. told me if the membrane sweep was successful, I could have the baby in the next 24 hours. I was already starting to cramp in the parking lot of the doctors office. After the appointment I was feeling sick, so we went and got some food. I ate three sandwiches (which I now regret).

While eating the food, my cramps were getting stronger and stronger. After lunch we got groceries and just a few little items we needed. As we shopped, the cramps were bad enough I needed to stop and take breaks as they came. I went to the bathroom, Sam got the groceries loaded and I was in so much pain I was waddling to the car. We had other errands to do but I just wanted to go home because I felt like crap.

Driving home, the cramps became unbearable and I was sobbing. Sam and I both knew at this point either I’m dying, or I am in full blown labor. Sam whipped the car around (we were just pulling into Glenrock at this point) and called my doctor’s office. They told him to take me straight to labor and delivery, he then called the hospital who could hear me screaming and crying in the background that it sounded like I was crowning and was probably going to have the baby on the highway, he then called Kristie to meet us at the front gates to grab Ezzy who was with us.

They met us at the gates with a wheelchair and my nurse little ran me down the halls and yelled at people to open the elevator.

People were running all around saying things like we don’t have time for that, she is having this baby now. When they checked me, I was bulging and crowning. If not for my amniotic sack being thick, I would have had him on the highway and that’s all that was holding him in.

They got my doctor there fast and was waiting for me to dilate one more centimeter before I could push even though my body was pushing anyway. They called the epidural guy in who was on call. He got there fast and got the epidural in fast. That helped my body to de-tense immediately and I pushed the baby out in 3 pushes I want to say.

Surprisingly, only one tiny internal tear. Two stitches.

My membrane strip was a little after 11:00 and I had him at 2:36. From when we pulled up to the hospital doors to when I had him it was 45 mins.

He came fast and furious

Welcome to the family Skye!

90% of the population on Earth lives in the Northern Hemisphere.

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