Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Bishopric

On June 25 Queen Lisa was in Utah putting on a baby shower for Princess Lisa. While she was there, I received a text from Brother Freeman asking if I could meet with President Isaac (a counsellor in the Stake Presidency) at 2:00 that afternoon. She received a similar text.

We both responded that Lisa was out of town but that she would return on Monday. We ended up meeting with him on Tuesday, June 27 at 6:30. The whole family was making bets on who was getting a stake calling and the vote was leaning toward Lisa. After all, what calling could I be getting? The young men’s president is a high councilor, but I suppose I could have been a councilor in the young men’s presidency. I guess I could have been a High Councilor but none of that felt right.

We had a good long chat with President Isaac, and I even commented on how I was perfectly happy in my Temple & Family History calling. My heart did a bit of a flutter when he made a quick side comment “we’ll get back to that” and then moved on with our visit.

Eventually he looked me in the eye and told me that the Lord has called me to be the second councilor in the Bishopric. I was very surprised, and I think my first response was “really?”. The bishopric had never even entered my mind because our bishopric was quite new and doing great. I then asked what was happening with Jeff Andrew and he said that they had another calling in mind for him.

While the call took me completely by surprise, as the call was being extended, I felt the spirit very strongly and I knew this is what the Lord wants me to do at this point in my life. I was sustained in church on the following Sunday, July 2nd, which was weird because Lisa was in Texas watching Brandon’s kids and Kira and Justin were in Hawaii while I was watching their kids. They invited me to come sit on the stand, so I left the kids sitting there unattended and went and sat on the stand. While I was a bit worried about Cameron, they were little angels sitting there by themselves. Leah Jack did go sit by them and I’m grateful for that but even she said she didn’t really need to be there.

At 1:30 today I was set apart by President Gosch. It was an amazing experience. The Bishop had also invited Lacy (his wife, and my cousin) and Derek and Jennifer, his wife. Derek is the first councilor. The blessing was amazing, and the spirit was strong. We didn’t take notes during the blessing but afterward Lisa and I wrote down what we could remember from the blessing. We don’t remember the words that were said but these are the blessings that we can remember in our own words.

· I was extended this calling because there are members in the ward who have questions and concerns that I can address.

· I will be guided to find who those people are.

· I will be able to give the bishop various options and paths that he can choose from as he fulfills his calling.

· I will be blessed with knowledge in my personal life and in my work.

· I will be given the capacity to be able to balance and complete the many responsibilities in my life.

· I will be guided as I work with the primary and the youth.

· I will be blessed with health and strength as I face a heavy workload and many responsibilities.

While I am quite intimidated by this calling, I am also kind of excited about it. Oddly, my biggest fear is that I have a tough time remembering people’s names, but I have been praying hard and I am already seeing miracles in that regard. I have learned more names in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years. It not only amazes me, but Lisa as well.

I am excited to see what the next few years bring my way.

Trevor and the Bishop (Rob Hilton) went to BYU Law school together

Lacy Hilton and I are third cousins

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