Sunday, June 02, 2024

Millennial Choirs & Orchestras

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Ever since Kira started grad school, she has played professionally in one or more orchestra’s. In Gainesville during grad school, she played in two orchestras. When they moved to Alberta, she played in the Red Deer Orchestra. When she moved to Chandler, she looked for an orchestra she could play in professionally but so far hasn’t been able to find one. She actually does still play in Red Deer, but she would obviously like something closer to home.
Mom suggested that she try out for the Millennial Choir & Orchestras (MCO), but she was reluctant to because it wasn’t “professional”. She finally decided to send in an audition tape, and she was accepted as first chair oboe based on the tape alone. Normally, if she passes the tape audition, she would go in for an in person audition but they accepted her sight unseen.
She loves being in the MCO and says that it is as professional as any orchestra she has played in. I haven’t seen Kira play in a “real” orchestra since she was in Gainesville eighteen years ago. She had a Christmas performance, but we were unable to get tickets. That is why we jumped on the opportunity to see her when tickets came out for another performance a couple of weeks ago.
It was a quick trip because I wanted to be back for our ward conference on Sunday. We drove out Friday morning (April 26), did initiatory in the Gilbert Temple as soon as we arrived, crashed Pipers crazy birthday party with her friends, and spent the rest of the evening with the kids. Justin and I went for a run Saturday morning after which we went to a birthday breakfast with Piper, went to Jack and Freddies baseball game, checked out Ben’s garden and tortoise, went for dinner at the Organ Pizza place and then went to Kira’s performance.
After the performance we hugged and kissed and said goodbye to the family and visited way too long and then headed home. We hit the road at around 10:30 at night and arrived home around 4:30am Sunday morning. It was all worth it. Her performance was amazing.
Les Miserables is actually played several BPMs faster than it was writren. When played at the as written tempo, Les Mis runs about 3:20. They have to push the tempo because at three hours the orchestra will stop playing, as their union rules prohibit shifts longer than 3 hours. If you've ever seen Les Mis in person, you may see that bows are done to a recording because the show has run long and the orchestra has packed up and left.

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