Saturday, June 01, 2024


Wednesday, April 16, 2024

After the eclipse, we assumed the fun was all over, but we were mistaken. Griffin still had a surprise for us. We had been at the other house and as we entered Brandons house Griffin left. We exchanged a few words and then went in.

Kira was right behind us, but she never did come in. After a bit we went to see what had happened to her and there she was sitting next to a sleeping Griffin. We knew that Griffin was narcoleptic, but it was weird seeing him lying there. Kira had come across him like that and called Brandon and Ally and they told her to stay with him but don’t move him.
It started to rain so I headed out with some coats to put over him but just then Brandon and Ally got home. We carried him into the house and let him sleep it off. I guess it is not uncommon for narcoleptics to have night terrors and after ten or fifteen minutes Griffin suddenly jumped up and started thrashing around. We were afraid he was going to hurt himself, so Brandon and Ally restrained him. Well that just made him become rather violent.

I was headed out with the kids to buy some Chic-Fil-A but got called back to help with Griffin because he was getting more and more violent. At one point Ally got hurt and she went and got some handcuffs and we had to restrain him. We also tied up his legs with bungy cords. It took maybe another fifteen minutes before he finally came around. At one point poor Griffin said, “Am I ever going to be able to live on my own?” It was really sad.

Mount Rainier in Washington, Mount Elbert in Colorado and Mount Whitney in California are all within one hundred feet of each others height. 



Mark said...

Alaska has ten peaks higher than Mt. Whitney (Counting two border peaks shared with Canada), and twelve higher than Mt. Elbert.

Fred ... said...

Everybody forgets about Alaska. Sorry about that.