Thursday, February 15, 2024

Christmas Day

Wednesday, January 10, 20243

Christmas morning we were able to keep the kids in bed until about 7:00 and then our day started. With only two kids and their families here, the presents didn’t take too long to open.

We enjoyed our traditional monkey bread for breakfast but we also added Kira’s very delicous sausage rolls. Once we had the turkey in the oven we then headed up to Black Mountain Park to shoot rockets while the turkey was cooking.

I’m not sure how it happened, but a few months ago Kit suddenly became my best friend and I absolutely love it. You can see her here helping me set up the rocket. Since she helped me, I thought it only fair that she got to launch the first rocket.

Christmas dinner was amazing. One of our former students, Mark Ma is now studying at UCSD so we invited him over for Christmas dinner. It was good to catch up with him.
Angelina and Evan have really hit it off. I didn’t realize it, but after our first visit to Kira and Justins, they started texting each other regularly.
I normally have my pies made before Christmas but this year we got a late start on everything so I ended up making the pies after Christmas dinner. Angelina was fascinated and wanted to help me.

Cecil B DeMille consulted with President David O McKay 
when filming the movie "The Ten Commandements." 
They became very good friends.

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