Monday, February 12, 2024

Dad, Tell Me About the Time…(17)

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Have you ever met someone famous? Who?

As far as I can remember I have met two famous people. One summer living in Waterton, they made a movie and my sister Jackie was a stand in for JoAnna Pettit. JoAnna’s costar was none other than William Shatner. Jackie arranged for me to meet him, and in the brief time we had together he seemed like a very nice man. I even got his autograph.


The other famous person I met was Spencer W Kimball, our prophet. We were on our honeymoon and Lisa really wanted to meet the prophet. To simplify a long story, we walked into the church office building and asked if we could see the prophet and they arranged it so we could. When I met him, he grabbed my face in both of his hands and pulled my face down and gave me a big kiss on the lips. It was quite amazing.

What is the biggest problem you see in the world today?

I have a long list of problems in the world that we need to fix but all of them could be fixed if we were raising a strong and educated generation to take our place. I think the biggest problem with our next generation is the demasculation of our young men. I think a healthy young man is one who has had a very active life outdoors. He needs to get hurt once in a while and he needs to not be afraid of trying. He shouldn’t be scared of new things and I think he needs to compete and win but also fail. He needs to learn how to pick himself up and try again.

I think when Ben was cut from his freshman basketball team and fought for an entire year to get back on the team, that did more for his moral character than anything else could have.

I think there are several things that threaten our young men.

1)     There is no competition left, everyone gets a medal just for trying. It is important to learn how to try, but if there is no reward for doing so, then there is no incentive to try.

2) Boys are no longer allowed to be rough. If they get in a fight, they are kicked out of school. Zero tolerance. Don’t get me wrong, bullying should be clamped down on hard, but if two boys get in a fight the punishment should be appropriate.

3) Video games have destroyed the next generation of boys. Grown men live in their mothers basement and spend days on end in video games. Those men are good for absolutely nothing. They will contribute nothing to our futures.

4) There are too many women who hate men. Again, don’t misunderstand me, I completely agree that women have been short changed in the history of our world but the answer is not to get rid of men.

There is more, but you get the idea.

Did you serve in the military? Which branch?

I didn’t serve in the military. Growing up in Canada there is hardly any military at all and I was in my thirties when we moved here.

What is a significant event that happened in the world that you vividly remember?

On July 20, 1969 just before 9:00 pm Alberta time, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moons surface. I was almost eleven and I was fascinated as our entire family watched on our little black and white TV. I completely understood how significant this event was. I am very sad that only now, after more than fifty years, are we actually planning on going back. I am quite excited to watch it happen again.

Mammoths were walking the earth while man was building the pyramids

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