Friday, August 16, 2024

Alex & James

Thursday, August 15, 2024

I flew back from Arizona on Monday morning (August 5) and Alex and James arrived that evening. Princess Lisa was flying to London to celebrate her dad’s birthday, and she took Adelaide, so he figured that he and James should also have some fun. Since he still has a bunch of paternity time he needs to use or lose it, they came to San Diego for ten days. It has been a great time. A great time but also a bit exhausting. I'm getting tired thinking about it.

I don’t even know if I can remember everything we did but let me give it a shot.

Tue Aug 6 - Legoland

Wed Aug 7 – recovery day, mom and Ben both arrived, I worked.

Thu Aug 8 - Everyone went to the beach while I tried to work.
Fri Aug 9 - My sod arrived in the morning, so I laid sod while everyone else went to the beach.

And the cousins got to know each other better.
Sat Aug 10 - Ben and his family went to Legoland while the rest of us hiked Annies’s slot canyon.
Sun Aug 11 - Ben and Sharley headed home but before he went Ben cooked me his famous guacamole toast for my birthday breakfast. It lived up to its reputation.
Mon Aug 12 - I woke up to an Apple Fritter for breakfast on my birthday. Alex got up early to buy it and he had a variety of donuts waiting for me (I shared).
I took the day off work and played, toured the Star of India and the other ships there, joined the Andrews on a beach party and ended the day at the Organ pavilion concert.
James LOVED the priate ship

Tue Aug 13 - Mom was feeling left out because of our boy’s trip to Legoland so she snagged some free tickets and her, James and Alex went back to Legoland.
Wed Aug 14 - I worked during the day while Mom, Alex and James went to the Zoo and then Wednesday night Alex went to visit Frank while Mom and I took James’s back to the zoo to see the nighttime wildlife.
Thu Aug 15 – Had a relaxed morning and then Alex headed home and I headed into work.

The latest estimates suggest that by 2050 the number of global deaths and births will be the same and the worlds population will start to decline. The global population will peak at a little under 9 billion people.

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