Friday, August 02, 2024

Grandpa & Nana’s Grand (child) Adventure

Monday, July 29, 2024

When I first started talking about Boyd &Carols visit, I promised to tell the rest of the story, well, here it is.

Early this year they started planning a big trip to visit every one of their grandchildren. They had just purchased a new car and they figured they should use it for the trip of a lifetime. It took a lot of planning but here is how it finally happened.

They left home on May 17, 2024.

This was the original plan.
May 17 -19 was at Lori’s house. Sorry, these are the only pictures I have.

May 19-21 was at Lynn’s house but no pictures.

British Columbia (photo courtesy of google)
May 21-23 was in Calgary to see Zach, Tiana, Rileigh & Eric. Sorry, no pictures

Montana, this picture is so much like Alberta it makes me a bit homesick.
May 24 – 27 was at Sam & Sarahs house

May 28 – 30 was at Alex & Lisa’s

Sorry, I couldn’t leave Alex’s house without sharing these side-by-side shots. I will make no comment.

May 31 - June 2 was at Alycia & Trevors

Nevada (photo courtesy of google)
Arizona (photo courtesy of google)
June 3 to 10 were spent with Kira and Ben’s families.

This time was supposed to be shared with both Ben and Kira but sadly, Ben was at a mandatory training class back east for most of the week, so he was kind of short changed.

Kit had fun with Big Papa though.

Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
June 12-14 was at Brandon & Ally’s

June 20 – July 6 were spent in San Diego. I’ve written four days about this visit so I will leave at that.
Boyd & Carol headed north on July 6 and arrived at home on July 8.

San Diego (photo courtesy of google)
Oregon (photo courtesy of google)
Washington (photo courtesy of google)

They traveled 52 days and a total of 8,671 miles (12,954 km).

I think Mom and I need to do something similar to this. What a great idea.

The highest point in the contiguous USA, and the lowest point are within the same county.

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