Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dad, Tell Me About the Time (33)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How Old Were You When You Had Your First Real Girlfriend?

My first “real” girlfriend would probably have been Maurine Webster. She had been a friend since I moved to Cardston at seven years old but I had never thought of her as much more than a friend. After I returned from my first year at BYU in May and before leaving on my mission in August I started dating Maurine. She was going to wait for me and wrote to me regularly on my mission. She wrote every week for the first year and then the letters suddenly stopped. I got two or three letters during my second year.

When I returned from my mission, she had left a box on my back doorstep with every single thing that I had ever given her. I interpreted that to mean that things between us were over. I later found out that she might have meant that there are no commitments so why don’t we see where this goes. I’ve never been good with subtleties. By then Mom and I were a thing, and I never looked back.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

My first response was going to be no, but then I did remember a time when I guess I did break someone’s heart. In my first year after my mission, I attended Edmonton 5th ward. That ward had a large group of young adults, probably fifteen or twenty of us. I believe I was the only student because we did not live close to the University, the rest of the young adults all worked. We all became very close friends.

There were two sisters in the ward from back east (I believe Ontario), one was named Daisy and the other was maybe Julie or something like that. I don’t remember. Daisy and her sister were moving back home and one day she pulled me to the side. She asked me how serious Lisa and I were and if either she or her sister had any chance with me if they were to stay. I had no idea, and I felt really bad telling her that I thought Lisa was the girl I wanted to marry. I think I broke her heart.

Share something embarrassing that happened to you on a date.

That would probably be most of my dates. It was embarrassing when mom hit me after our first kiss.

I guess the most embarrassing thing I can remember was after a date with Maurine. I had pretty bad acne as a teenager, and I guess I had picked a zit while on the date. As I hugged her goodnight and said goodnight I noticed a spot of blood on the collar of her pretty white shirt. Oops. I said nothing.

Anything special or unique you remember about your love life or relationships that you want to share?

Nothing unique about my love life. Until I met mom there was not much of a love life.



Spouses Full Name                                      Lisa Gay Shaw

Spouses Birthdate & Birthplace                  July 5, 1963
                                                                     Edmonton, Alberta

Marriage Date                                              July 11, 1981 

Marriage Place                                             Cardston, Alberta

1 comment:

Justin Palmer said...

Why did she hit you after your first kiss?