Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Memories of Brandon

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

While Brandon and I are very different people, I think he understands how I think better than just about anybody. I also understand how he thinks so we have been debating partners from the time he could speak. I’ve always told him that he can ask me anything and I will argue with him as long as he wants. Our discussions are some of my favorite memories.
Together we have solved pretty much all the world’s problems. We have also planned several ways that we could take over the world but that is a topic for another day.

One of my favorite memories with Brandon was when we went on stage together and presented my smoker at a Code Launch event.
Standing on that stage with my son by my side helping me to share my invention was a proud day for me.
Perhaps my favorite memory of Brandon is when he came to Jackies funeral with me. We met up in Salt Lake City and drove together to Blackfoot, Idaho. We talked the entire drive up there and we talked every minute we were alone and when we were with my siblings, I watched Brandon talk them.

It was enormous fun to watch him relate with my family and it was amazing to watch him set some of them in their place in such an unoffensive way that they weren’t sure what to think.

The best part of that weekend was when Brandon gave me a blessing. He said some special things about our family, I will never forget it. I talk about the blessing in greater detail in my journal entry on Dec 20, 2022. It was my sister’s funeral and it was sad, but at the same time it was wonderful to have an entire weekend alone with my son. I am so glad that he made the sacrifice to accompany me on what promised to be a long, sad and lonely trip.

Studies show that meditation and mindfulness can induce "serious psychiatric problems such as depression, agitation, and even schizophrenic decompensation". I had to look up decompensation, I had no idea what that was. 

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