Monday, August 05, 2024

Memories of Kira

 Monday, July 15, 2024

Martha Gill passed away recently and her memorial was on Friday. Her memorial was done pretty much how I want mine done. Each of her kids spoke and shared some memories that they had of their mother. It was nice to hear their memories.
That started me wondering what my kids would say about me, and then my thoughts progressed to what memories I would share about my kids. I’m sure if I thought about this longer, I would come up with better memories, but here is what came to my mind first.

When I first saw Kira cleaned up and laying in the basinet in the hospital nursery, I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. In reality, looking at her baby pictures, she was kind of chubby and a little bedraggled looking but I thought she was gorgeous, and I knew that my life had just changed forever.
I had always imagined my oldest child would be a boy, but I loved having a little girl. I remember teaching her to swing dance at our first daddy daughter date and at weddings and I have fond memories of helping her as a teenager to TP houses. The best experience was when we TP’d the McConnell’s house and we ended up hog tying Kira and leaving her on their doorstep as a peace offering. There are many memories like this but a more recent memory with Kira is when I was in Arizona picking up a load of wood pellets and Kira took a day off from her crazy schedule to spend the day working with me.

We were dirty and sweaty, but we talked for hours, and I loved it. We ended up having a very late lunch together at some little barbecue place, but it wasn’t the food that made it one of the best meals I’d ever had but the opportunity to sit outside on a beautiful afternoon with my daughter who I knew loved me. She loved me so much that she gave up her entire day to be with me. This is a memory I will cherish forever.
If you encounter a cat with three distinct colors—black, white, and orange, 
it’s likely a female.

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