Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Dad, Tell Me About the Time…(31)

Friday, May 31, 2024

Share some stories of adventures you have had with your friends.

This would take a book. Wait, I wrote a book about adventures I had as a kid and most of those adventures included Rick, Tom, and Lester. I think I called it, “Stories from the life of Fred”.


Always be late OR always be early?

I hate being late, I would rather always be early.

Movies OR Music?

While I love certain kinds of music, I rarely listen to it. I would rather read (or listen to) a good book. I also love a good movie.

Candy OR Cake?

I like cake (who doesn’t) but I actually prefer pie. I would take candy like a chocolate bar over cake but I would take cake over hard candy like Jolly Ranchers. My all time favorite go-to snack is peanuts and mixed nuts.

Unlimited tacos for life OR unlimited sushi?  Taco’s

Save money OR spend money?

That is a weird question, the only reason anyone saves money is so that he can spend it later. If having money later was not an issue then who wouldn’t prefer to spend money?

Set the table for dinner OR clean up after dinner?

Set the table.

Sleep in OR wake up early?

I’m not sure what early is, but on a normal morning I can’t sleep past eight and it is painful to wake up before six.

Have more time OR have more money?

What good is money if you don’t have time to do something with it? I want time to be with those I love and do things that I enjoy. Unfortunately, you need money to do some of my favorite things and we do need to eat and have a place to sleep.

Fiction OR Nonfiction?

Typically, I like fiction the best because if I take time to read, it is usually as an escape or diversion. My absolute favorite books however are nonfiction. I really love historical fiction.

Have World Peace OR Stop World Hunger?

World Peace.

I can’t imagine how we could have world peace unless the majority of the people get to the point that they love their neighbor. Once that happens, then I believe that every other problem will take care of itself. Besides, most hunger is related to internal conflicts and war.

Be an adult your whole life OR be a kid your whole life?

Adult; I like to understand the big picture and kids don’t have that. What would be fun is to be a kid with an adult mind.

Large crowd OR small group?

Small group

Brand new house OR brand new car?

House – duh

Hot Weather OR Cold Weather?

I always used to say cold weather because you can always put more clothes on, but you can only take so many clothes off. I’ve changed my mind. I hate putting clothes on so I will go with hot weather. Unless I have to work outside. I can lounge around in the heat, but I can’t do physical labor in the heat.

Be a dancer OR a singer?


Ocean OR Mountains?

Mountains – that’s a tough one

Cheeseburger OR fine dining?

That depends on my mood.

Watch a scary movie OR watch a comedy?


Chocolate OR vanilla?


Read a book OR watch TV?

Usually, I would rather read a book, but I do like to watch TV as well.

Barefoot OR Shoes?


Talk OR text?


Be invisible OR read minds?

I always thought I would love to be invisible, but wouldn’t it be fascinating to be able to read minds? It could end up back firing though.

Rewind time OR pause time?

Rewind time

Shower OR bath?


Winter OR summer?

Summer (would anyone say winter?)

Rain OR sunshine?


Always lose OR never play?

I do always lose but I still love playing.

Salty OR sweet?

That’s a tough one, maybe salty.

Drive fast OR drive slow?


Spicy food OR not spicey food?


Optimist OR pessimist?


Live in the city OR live in the country?

Country but I love t

echnology and that can only be found in the city, so I live in the city.

Clean OR messy?

Clean, but not obsessively so.

Spontaneity OR planned?

Loosely planned. I don’t like a rigorous schedule, but I do like some idea of what is going to happen.

Cats OR dogs?


Time with others OR time alone?

Time alone, but there are a few people that I would like to hang out with forever.

Walking OR riding a bike?

This is my big dilemma right now. I just bought a bike, and I am very conflicted if I should go for a bike ride or go for a run.

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