Monday, August 12, 2024

Memories of Sarah

Saturday, July 20, 2024
Because Sarah was the baby, we didn’t get too much alone time because there was always so much going on in the house. That quickly changed when everyone left. That is when I really got to know my sweet little girl. Most of my memories of Sarah fall into three general categories. A running partner, a camping buddy and driving in the car.
I remember when Sarah first started cross country. I was shocked to learn that she would run three miles. I knew that it was possible to run three miles, but I didn’t think it was something normal high schoolers would do. It seemed so far to me.
When I got fat and realized that something in my life had to change, I think it was Sarah running cross country that helped me realize that maybe I could run too. Running with Sarah can be a challenge though. She isn’t incredibly fast, but she never stops. One of our favorite runs was to run from our house to the Torrey Pines beach and then jump in the water. We would then call mom and have her come and pick us up.
My style of running is to run until I can no longer ignore my brain telling me to take a break and then I will walk for a minute or two and then resume running. I can do that for twenty miles. Sarah’s brain works very differently than that.
She can run forever also but if she stops for anything, her brain says, “Oh good, we’re done” and refuses to start up again. We made compromises and enjoyed many runs to the beach.
Sarah and I both love to camp and we never missed a father daughter campout. I think we went on a few camps that weren’t father daughter campouts just because we enjoyed it so much. 

Another favorite memory of Sarah is when I worked in the temple. As soon as she got her driver’s license, she would drive to the temple every Thursday evening and have dinner with me in the cafeteria and then do baptisms. I loved it and looked forward to it every week.

I love my beautiful sweet little Sarah.

Planets have sounds. Jupiter sounds a bit like being underwater, Neptune sounds like ocean waves, and Saturn sounds like the background of a horror movie.

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