Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dad, Tell Me About the Time…(32)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Who was your first crush?

The first girl who ever caught my attention was Christine Hunter. I would have been about twelve years old, and I was sitting in my Sunday School class and this cute girl sat near me. I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. Even as awkward as I was, we became friends and eventually, a little bit more.

How old were you when you had your first crush?

I would have been about twelve.

What attracted her to you?

She was pretty, she was nice, and she was happy.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

It was probably that same year or maybe the next year when I was thirteen that I first kissed Christine. I had kissed girls on the cheek just in fun but Christine was my first real kiss on the lips.

Who did you share your kiss with and where did it happen?

It was with Chrstine, and it was behind the big pine trees on the north east corner of the temple.

Did your family have dating rules?

I don’t remember being told any rules about dating, but it was always understood that I wouldn’t date until I was sixteen and it was always a rule that I couldn’t drive into Lethbridge without prior permission. It was never an issue though since I only went on about three dates before I went to college.

How old were you when you went on your first date? Who was it with, and what did you do?

My first date was the week I turned sixteen and it was with Debbie Jones. I don’t remember exactly, but I think we went to a movie.

Share one of your most memorable dates. Where did you go and with whom?

So, my life is kind of divided in half by my mission. Thinking back, it was like I was two different people.

My most memorable date before my mission was with Maurine Webster, it was the summer after my freshman year at BYU before I went on my mission. We went to her high school graduation dance but my most memorable date was one time when we drove to Lethbridge and went for dinner and a movie. As we were driving, I hit a cat on the highway. I remember looking in my rear-view mirror and seeing this cat flying a good fifteen feet into the air. She was crying and begged me to stop and help the cat. I just said, “it’s dead” and I drove on. I was so romantic.

After my mission I remember two wonderful dates with Lisa. I loved when I was able to take her to Waterton and show her all of my favorite haunts and another time, we went skiing in Fernie.

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